Web Terms

Terms and Conditions that Apply to Users of the Astralsound Website

  1. Scope. These terms apply to all visitors to this website, and your continued use of the site indicates your acceptance of them. They do not exclude or take priority over terms stated in other documents, or countermand common legitimate practice or local, national or international law. Changes may be posted and implemented without notice, so please check you are viewing the latest version by using the Refresh button in your browser.

    Any infringement of these terms may result in legal and/or other action against any infringing party.

  2. Privacy. Please see our Privacy Policy for details of how we collect and use peronally identifiable information.
  3. Intellectual Property. Copyright (©) exists in all material published on this website, and belongs to Astralsound unless other ownership is stated. All trade marks belong to their respective owners and may not be used in any way that infringes an owner's rights. Users may not reproduce any content of this website in any publishable form - whether this is for commercial or non-commercial use - without prior express written permission from Astralsound (or from the copyright/trade mark owner, as applicable).

    Linking to any of our web pages from external sites is permitted, but linking to individual images or other embedded files ("sponging") is not. Linking patterns that are intended to have an adverse effect on Astralsound's search-engine ranking (for example, posting multiple backlinks with identical anchor-text) may give rise to legal or other action, whether or not they are successful.

    Astralsound is a UK registered trade mark, and may be used on its own or in other anchor-text to link to any page on the Astralsound website. It may not be used to link to third-party sites, or to promote the goods or services of any other business.

  4. Content. Astralsound reserves the right to add to, alter or remove any or all of this website without notice to any other party. All content is published in good faith, and every reasonable effort has been made to ensure accuracy and the relevance of any links to third-party sites (linked pages from other sites are checked periodically for content and function). However, unless we have expressly agreed that specific content forms the basis of a subsequent binding agreement:
    1. Astralsound gives no warranty, express or implied, for the accuracy or relevance for any visitor of anything published or referred to on this site, and any action taken by a visitor on the basis of it is at that visitor's sole risk.
    2. Although we are committed to removing any unsuitable links of which we may become aware, no liability is accepted for the content or function of any external page linked from this site, and such links are followed at the user's risk.

    Only Astralsound has a right to publish or modify content on this website. Any material published or altered here by any other party without permission will be removed, and such publication or alteration may result in legal action against the perpetrator(s) without further notice.

  5. Accessibility. Astralsound gives no warranty, express or implied, that any of the content of this website is accessible. However, we are committed to making our website as accessible as possible. All pages have been checked for compliance with current W3C standards, so that they should display and function correctly in all up-to-date browsersi. If you experience difficulty using a specific accessibility tool (a screen-reader, for example), please let us know.

    The site was developed using html and css, and all pages should load and display correctly with scripts disabled.

    However, some tools, forms, site-search and accessibility functions require JavaScript, PHP, or both.

  1. Site appearance and function has been checked in the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Opera, and some legacy browsers (including Internet Explorer 10 and 11). We are no longer able to check this in Safari, for which a Windows version hasn't been available since 2012, and some mobile (and other) browsers that are not W3C compliant may not display pages correctly. There are multiple issues in versions of Internet Explorer older than IE 9 (2011).

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